Our advantages
Base of "Dorstroymontazhtrest" are located in all regions of the Republic of Belarus, which allows you to quickly and accurately the construction and installation work, as well as deliver the products as soon as possible.
During the activity of JSC "Dorstroymontazhtrest" There are hundreds erected railway facilities, residential buildings and office buildings throughout Belarus. The company annually ranks among the best in the category "General construction of buildings" and "Industry Leader" title was awarded in 2013.
Production of "Dorstroymontazhtrest" has a high quality, as indicated by the positive feedback from customers, the EU countries, the quality certificates of the Customs Union of Belarus, as well as numerous awards. Plants annually prizes are awarded "Best Building Product of the Year", "Best Goods of Belarus".
But the best proof of the quality of products is strong demand among consumers not only in Belarus, but also abroad. In 2015 production of "Dorstroymontazhtrest" supplied not only in the camp of the CIS (Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova), as well as in Latvia, Georgia, Lithuania, Turkmenistan.
In 2014 it launched automated line for the production of concrete sleepers capacity of 400 000 units per year. At this stage, the equipment allows to produce sleepers with three kinds of rail fasteners: SB (II-SHSB-15), Vossloh (III-SHSHD-15), APC (II-SDC-15). Concrete sleepers II-SHSB-15 is the market leader in the Republic of Belarus, the share of these products is 99% in the market. To enter the foreign markets, in 2016 we completed work on obtaining the European Certificate of Conformity concrete sleepers SHSHD III-15, which has a high export potential to the EU market, as well as in Asia.
JSC "Dorstroymontazhtrest" annually participates in the international specialized exhibitions and awarded diplomas. Among the important exhibitions can be noted "Belarusian Transport Week", "Stroyexpo 2016" as well as "Budpragres-2015."